Termet SA is the successor of more than a hundred years of tradition of the famous watch factory Gustav Becker. Under the new brand Termet began its work in 1945 with the production of wall, floor, mantel clocks. Since the 1950s, the range of manufactured goods has become wider, since, in addition to watches, the production of brakes for bicycles, capacitors, television parts, and heating and lighting equipment began. The turning point was 1956 - the beginning of the production of heaters for bathrooms.
Since the beginning of the use of gas for space heating, the production of gas heating boilers has been started, which determined the further specialization of our company.
In addition to gas equipment, the company specialized in the production of programmable control elements for washing machines and dishwashers, tourist equipment (tiles and lanterns), soldering kits and universal burners for them.
Termet SA is mainly engaged in the production and sale of gas heating equipment, offering its customers a modern and environmentally friendly solution for home and business, in accordance with our main slogan "Create heat".
Today the company offers a wide range of different types of gas heating equipment. The main work of specialists is aimed at the manufacture of wall and floor gas boilers and domestic water heaters.